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XYZ Sports

XYZ Set of 8 Chromed Boule In Nylon Zip Carry Case

XYZ Set of 8 Chromed Boule In Nylon Zip Carry Case

Regular price £32.99 GBP
Regular price Sale price £32.99 GBP
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The rules of the game are to position the jack which acts as a target.

Each player takes a turn to throw their boule and try to stop as close to the jack as possible beating your opponents.

Each player has a different colour so it is easy to determine who has thrown closest!

Practise rebounding off your opponents balls to knock them further away and you closer to the jack.

This durable set comes complete with a carry case so you can easily take it to friends or a park and get competing.

Complete with jack.

Ideal for garden or on the beach .

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